5 Ways to Add the Herringbone Pattern to Your Home

Did you know the herringbone pattern is inspired by the bone structure of the herring fish? Made using repeating V shapes, the herringbone pattern has become a go-to for adding texture to homes because of its simple and classy look. Here are 5 ways you can add the herringbone pattern to your home! Make an

Industrial Interior Design for Beginners

Perfect for homes, studio apartments and office spaces, industrial interior design is one of the most requested design styles of the year. It combines rustic elements with structured pieces, and when done correctly, brings a modern and edgy look to any space. Industrial design is all about incorporating raw, unfinished pieces in a way that

Why You Should Be Choosing Velvet Furniture

Over the last couple of years, velvet furniture has become a decor staple in many households. From bar stools to sofas to pillows, velvet is being used to create all sorts of items, and we don’t expect the velvet hype to die down anytime soon. So why has velvet furniture become so popular, and why

2020 Color Trends

2020 has hit us with a lot of sudden changes. Our daily routines, how we communicate, our connection to others — All of these have been altered in some way or another. It’s important for us to stay calm as we navigate the world around us, and it starts with creating a stable and relaxing

2019 Wood Trends

Wood is a basic staple of any home or room. From the walls to the furniture to the flooring, wood has always been a popular choice. There are many reasons why it is popular, but one big reason is that wood flooring and wooden accessories have a classic elegance to them. And with wood trends

2019 Interior Design Elements

Interior design elements is simply a continuation of the interior design trends, but more in-depth. Most of these elements could be seen as finishing touches to a room/home. Much like interior design styles and interior design trends, they can help make your home special and create the perfect atmosphere you are wanting. We at Woodgrain

2019 Interior Design Trends

Interior design trends encompass everything from the accessories used in a room, to the furniture, to the colors of everything. While design styles like modern and contemporary are broader, these trends are more personal and unique. You can truly make your home special and one-of-a-kind. We at Woodgrain want to make sure that you are

2019 Interior Design Styles

Interior design is much more than it used to be even 20 years ago. Back then it used to be as simple as using the right colors or fabrics to use in a room. It has evolved into much more since then though and we understand more of how certain styles affect different emotions.We at

2019 Color Trends

The Color of the Year for 2019 is… (drumroll please)… Living Coral!!! As described by PANTONE, “Living Coral is a nurturing color that appears in our natural surroundings and at the same time, displays a lively presence within social media.” Due to the nature of this color, it “mesmerizes the eye and mind.” Living Coral

2019 Pattern Trends

The start of the year is always a time to think about changes. Not only changes for ourselves, but also for changes within our homes. Staying up with the trends is a foolproof way to keep your home up-to-date with what is most popular and appealing as well as giving it a modern and incredibly