Celebrating 60 Years of Woodgrain

As we celebrate our 60th anniversary, I find myself looking back at what we’ve accomplished and what lies ahead.
When my dad started the company in 1954, I don’t think he could have dreamed of where we’d be today. In fact, Woodgrain wasn’t even our name back then. We were Dame Lumber and Moulding, a family-owned moulding mill in Utah. We started out small and simple and, over the years, have expanded our offering to create the global, multi-faceted company we are now. View our full company history at www.woodgrain.com.

We’re thankful to enjoy long-standing relationships with many of our clients. We wouldn’t have made it this far without them. Elevating the customer experience is behind every venture we pursue.

It’s an exciting time here at Woodgrain. Our new mill in North Carolina is gearing up to start production.  A new line of flawlessly designed shaker doors is being added to our collection. We are raising the standard on our windows by investing in a state-of-the-art powder coat paint line. And a beautiful new design has been rolled out for our product catalogs.

I look forward to building on our legacy and seeing where the future leads us. Here’s to another 60 years!