Enhance Your Moulding with Build-ups
Moulding build-ups enable you to enhance your home’s aesthetic appeal by combing moulding profiles to create an extraordinary outcome. Woodgrain offers thousands of moulding profiles in various species and finishes, making your build-up possibilities and combinations limitless.
For rooms where you want an enhanced look, such as dining rooms, formal living rooms and master bedrooms, consider adding distinct character by creating moulding build-ups. From ceiling and floor mouldings to chair rail and mantle mouldings, build-ups are often described as accents to further define a room’s character. Enhancements can be made by adding moulding to the profile that currently exists in your home today or creating a new look specific to your style. Small details will add substantial character.

Visit woodgraindistribution.com/buildups to learn more about our profiles and how you can combine them to create exquisite build-ups in your home.