Asked Questions
Who is Woodgrain?
Woodgrain is one of the largest millwork operations in the world. We are a vertically integrated wood manufacturer and distributor.
What type of products does Woodgrain produce?
Woodgrain’s main products are lumber, mouldings, doors, and windows.
How many locations does Woodgrain have?
Woodgrain has over 45 locations across the United States and one location in Chile.
Why do you have a location in Chile?
Chile is one of the largest wood suppliers in the world. It gives our company diversification and a strategic advantage.
What do you mean by Woodgrain is vertically integrated?
Being vertically integrated means that we own our own supply chain, which is rare in this industry. We own the forest that we cut and process our lumber from as well as the facilities that manufacture our moulding and parts that are used for our doors and windows. This ensures quality control and efficient delivery times. We are not dependent on industry shifts or controlled by outside environments.
How do I get ahold of your locations?
Access our other locations page and contact info below.
Is Windsor Windows part of Woodgrain?
Yes, Windsor Windows is part of the family of Woodgrain brands. Click here to access Windsor Windows directly.
How do I find discontinued products to match what I have used in the past?
Most of the products we make are relatively timeless, but once in a while SKUs are discontinued. We have over 200 other profiles available.
Where do you source your wood?
We source all of our wood from managed forests to ensure sustainable and ethically harvested woods.
What species of wood do you use in your products?
We use a variety of wood depending on the product. The majority of our products are made from pine species including ponderosa, radiata, eastern white, and southern yellow. Other products may be available in MDF, fir, or a selection of hardwoods such as oak, maple, poplar, and mahogany.
Is what you’re doing eco-friendly?
We pride ourselves in being as sustainable as possible; in fact, 99% of every log we use is utilized from the actual product down to the individual grain of sawdust which is packaged up and used for animal bedding or turned into wood pellets.
Do your products have a warranty?
Yes, each product has a unique warranty. We stand behind our products and the craftsmanship.
What does the FSC certification mean?
FSC (Forest Management Certification) confirms that the forest is being managed in a way that preserves the natural ecosystem and benefits the lives of local people.
Does Woodgrain own Huttig Building Products?
Yes, in May of 2022, Woodgrain acquired Huttig Building Products — one of the largest distributors of millwork, building materials, and wood products. With the acquisition, Woodgrain offers a coast-to-coast distribution network, a wide range of value-added products and services.
Want to Learn More?
Explore our moulding and door species, sizing charts, installation how-to’s, and more.