Accents By Woodgrain
Make a statement with Accents by Woodgrain. Accents by Woodgrain is a unique wood wall tile that will transform the interior of your home. With distinct patterns to help you achieve a custom look, you can turn that boring white wall into something that makes a statement. We created Accents to provide homeowners with intuitive, crafty, and an outside -the-box way to refresh their home’s interior.

Product Features
Each piece is a unique mix of individual pieces of reclaimed hardwoods varying in color, texture and thickness creating a truly unique look that is easy to install. The Hardwood Reclaimed Wall Panel from Accents by Woodgrain makes the perfect accent for your home or office.

Measure & PRep
Measure and cut product to length with a finish saw blade.

Apply Glue & Place
Apply Liquid Nails to the backside for extra security.

Nail & Repeat
Install product using a nail gun.