Safety in the Workplace

Are you doing your part to contribute to a safe, healthy and responsible working environment?
Did you know?1

  • One worker dies every 15 seconds
  • Over 2.3 million deaths occur due to occupational accidents or diseases
  • 160 million workers suffer from work-related illnesses
  • 4% of the world’s GDP is lost through work-related death, injury or sickness
  • The annual cost to the global economy for work-related accidents is $1.25 trillion

Seven percent of workplace fatalities reported in the U.S. occurred in manufacturing facilities and fifteen percent of workplace fatalities occurred in transportation and warehousing2. Additionally, more fatal work injuries resulted from transportation incidents (41%) than from any other occurrence in 20123.
Please do your part to ensure everyone’s safety. Employers and employees are equally responsible for preventative measures of occupational hazards.
Praise and reward safe behavior. Many times we tend to focus on those behaving unsafe without acknowledgement to those behaving safely. In some workplaces, employees are the ones who set the approved behavior, regardless of what the rules state. By praising safe behavior, the accepted behavior becomes that of which we encourage and promote.
Voice concern when necessary. We are equally guilty of contributing to a problematic situation if we chose to ignore hazardous behavior. Within reason and positive intentions, please report threatening behavior to the appropriate person.
Be alert. Be responsible. Be accountable. Your safety and security depends on it, as well as your peers. Be mindful and apply acute attention to detail just as you want your neighbor to do for you.
Woodgrain practices the following Commandments of Safety in our facilities:
Safety is everyone’s responsibility. You will achieve the level of safety excellence that you demonstrate you want.  Safety must be round the clock, every day of every year, 24/7/365.  Safety for yourself, your coworkers, and all others is your responsibility.  You should talk to an individual if you witness an unsafe act.  If the behavior continues, elevate up to someone in authority.
Everyone needs to comply with Safety Policies and Procedures. This includes PPE, LOTO, machine guarding, etc.  There is Zero Tolerance for failing to comply with LOTO, seat belt, machine guarding, violence in the workplace policies.
Be professional and respectful when communicating about safety.  Listen with an open mind and accept criticism knowing that your coworkers respect you and care enough about your health and safety to tell you when you are doing something unsafe.  Offer criticism in a respectful manner – talk to your coworkers as you would like to be talked to.
Respect machinery. If you put something in a machine’s way, it will crush it, pinch it, or cut it.  Make sure all guards are in place.  LOTO before placing any of your body in harm’s way.
Operate equipment only if you are qualified. Tell your supervisor if you have never done the job.
Ask questions. If you are uncertain ask, don’t guess or assume.  If you are asked a question, make certain the person who asked understands the answer, don’t assume they do.
Practice good housekeeping. A clean work place is a safe workplace.  Don’t allow clutter and mess to affect your or your co-worker’s ability to work safely.
Use proper body mechanics. Use care and caution when lifting, bending, or reaching.  Most muscle and spine injuries are from over straining.  Get help lifting heavy or awkward loads.
Wear appropriate and sensible clothes. Choose footwear that is sturdy and suited to the type of work.  Avoid loose clothing or jewelry that could be caught in the machinery.  Keep long hair tied back.
Be prepared for an emergency. Know what to do in case of an incident that requires evacuation or EMT services.
Report near hits. The best way to avoid pain, suffering and expense due to injury is to prevent the incident from happening.  Reporting near hits and hazards enables us to correct or prevent the hazard and stop future incidents which could cause more serious injuries.
1International Labor Organization
2 U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics