Woodgrain Doors warranty
Woodgrain Limited Warranty Information
Woodgrain Doors (hereafter Seller) doors are warranted to be of sound material and workmanship and to
be free of manufacturing defects which would cause the door to be unfit for ordinary recommended use for
the period of twenty-four (24) months on interior doors and twelve months (12) on exterior doors from the
date of shipment provided the handling, installation, and finishing proper instructions are followed. Failure
to follow these guidelines forfeits the warranty.
Normal characteristics of kiln dried wood include but are not limited to, minor swelling and shrinking
of parts made from wood, raised grain, minor pitch pockets, natural grain and color variations. Natural
expansion and contraction of wood occurs with variations in climatic and atmospheric conditions such as
humidity and temperature and is not a defect hereunder.
Warp in the plane of the door itself will be considered a defect only if it exceeds one-quarter inch (1/4″)
when measured as a deviation from a straight edge. Doors over 3-0 wide or 7-0 high are excluded from
the warranty against warp. Improper hanging of the door or unsquare door frames are not considered
as defects. Louver doors wider than 3-0 wide are not covered for slat warp and bow.

Any doors used in an exterior application must be at least 1 ¾” thick and must be installed under an
adequate overhang. An adequate overhang depends on the typical weather conditions of the site where
the building is located. This means an overhang of 50% of the height of the doorway in Northern or Eastern
exposures (reference illustration where Y= Height of the Doorway and X = Length of Overhang). For doors
painted or stained dark colors and/or severe exposure, extreme Southern, Southwestern and Western
exposures the overhang must equal the height of the doorway (Y=X) where Y = Height of the Doorway and
X = Length of Overhang.
Any doors found to be defective by the Seller will be repaired or replaced, or the
purchase price will be refunded at the option of Woodgrain Doors, provided the
handling, installation and finishing instructions have been followed.
An extended warranty period is granted solely for seal failure on insulated glass units
(moisture between glass) for a period of ten (10) years from the date of manufacture.
At Seller’s sole discretion, the replacement door or glass will be shipped FOB from
the Woodgrain Doors factory. Seller will not, under any circumstances, be liable for
installation, refinishing or painting. Cracked, scratched or broken glass is not covered
by this warranty. The glass warranty will be void if the product is not properly installed
according to Sellers installation instructions, or is used in or around swimming pools,
saunas, sprinkler systems or greenhouse enclosures; or if installed over 5,000 ft.
above sea level. The warranty on doors will be void if the product is used in or around
swimming pools, saunas, sprinkler systems or greenhouse enclosures. No agent,
employee or representative of Seller has any authority to bind Seller to any affirmation,
representation or warranty concerning Seller’s products, except as expressly stated
The foregoing is in lieu of all other expressed warranties. All implied warranties of merchantability or
fitness for a particular purpose are hereby limited in duration up to the two-year period stated herein.
The liability of Woodgrain Doors is expressly limited to replacement or repair of the defects of the door, or
refunding at its option. Woodgrain Doors will not be liable for any other expense, injury, loss or damage,
whether direct or consequential, arising in connection with the sale or use of, or inability to use, any
product of Woodgrain Doors, for any purpose. No purchaser shall be entitled to consequential damages
as defined in the Uniform Commercial Code. Final determination of whether or not a defect exists shall be
made solely by Seller in accordance with procedures established by Seller.